Adaptation study of the Zuckerman-Kuhlman and Aluja Personality Questionnaire (ZKPQ) in Angola
personality, psychometrics, cultures, factor analysis, Culturas, Análisis factorialAbstract
The present study was carried out to assess the psychometric characteristics of the Zucherman-Kuhlam-Aluja personality questionnaire, translated from English to Portuguese for an Angolan sample. The factorial item analysis shows that there a relative association between the factorial components’ and the five hypothetical dimensions chosen a priori. The Angolan replication of this questionnaire given a an unsatisfactory alpha. The internal consistence offered by the Alpa varies from 0,42 (seek sensation) to 0,78 (neuroticism). The average alpha was 0.56, ranging between 40 (ImpSS) and 0.78 (N-Anx).The median Alpha it was 0,56,( (ImpSS)it varies from 40 (ImpSS) to 0,78 (N-Anx). As happened at another cultures especially from Senegal and Togo the reliability of this study was also lower. The variance explained with the R2 adjusted it was -0,001, -0,002, e -0,02 for age, sex and cultures assessed by the linguistic competence. We can explain the lower power of this study, because the five derived factors only explain 20,2% of the variances in the scores. The result suggested that this version although relatively reliable can be the base for construct another version more adjusted to the Angolan cultural reality, or, if we prefer, African.
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