Organizational Leadership: An Integrative Review


  • Lucinda De Carvalho De Carvalho
  • Rosa Gomes Universidade Lusíadas de Angola (ULA)
  • Nelson Yambo Universidade Lusíadas de Angola (ULA)



Organização, liderança organizacional, estilo de liderança, clima organizacional


This article provides a review of key organizational leadership approaches: transformational, transactional, servant and authentic leadership. Each leadership style is explored in terms of its distinct characteristics, perceived benefits, and associated challenges. Transformational leadership emphasizes inspiration and change, while transactional leadership focuses on rewards and compliance. Conversely, servant leadership prioritizes follower well-being and development. Comparing these approaches underscores the importance of selecting and adapting leadership styles according to specific organizational needs and culture, aiming to foster effective and inclusive leadership.


Keywords: Transformational leadership, transactional leadership, servant leadership, authentic leadership, leadership characteristics, organizational effectiveness.


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How to Cite

De Carvalho, L., Gomes, R., & Yambo, N. (2024). Organizational Leadership: An Integrative Review. Academicus Magazine, 2(2), 29–41.