Impacto da empatia na comunicação interpessoal




Empathy, Communication, Understanding, Disorder


The impact of empathy on interpersonal communication is a very relevant topic, as empathy plays a fundamental role in the way we relate and communicate with others. When we are able to put ourselves in someone else's shoes and understand their emotions and perspectives, communication becomes more meaningful. Empathy helps us avoid conflicts, promote mutual understanding and strengthen interpersonal bonds. Analyzing existing studies on the impact of empathy on interpersonal communication is the objective of this research. To do this, we used a structured bibliographical research with criteria for the inclusion and exclusion of sources, focusing on the relevance to the topic of empathy and its influence on interpersonal communication. To theoretically clarify the study, we emphasize the theory of empathy, Carls Rogers' person-centered approach. The research results demonstrate that disorders associated with a lack of empathy significantly impair social interactions and the quality of interpersonal relationships. The study presented and challenged the current paradigm, since it is common to say that communication solves everything. However, in reality, communication without the ability to empathize is flawed and does not achieve the desired objectives.

Author Biographies

Edgar Gonçalves José, Universidade Gregório Semedo (UGS)

The impact of empathy on interpersonal communication is a very relevant topic, as empathy plays a fundamental role in the way we relate and communicate with others. When we are able to put ourselves in someone else's shoes and understand their emotions and perspectives, communication becomes more meaningful. Empathy helps us avoid conflicts, promote mutual understanding and strengthen interpersonal bonds. Analyzing existing studies on the impact of empathy on interpersonal communication is the objective of this research. To do this, we used a structured bibliographical research with criteria for the inclusion and exclusion of sources, focusing on the relevance to the topic of empathy and its influence on interpersonal communication. To theoretically clarify the study, we emphasize the theory of empathy, Carls Rogers' person-centered approach. The research results demonstrate that disorders associated with a lack of empathy significantly impair social interactions and the quality of interpersonal relationships. The study presented and challenged the current paradigm, since it is common to say that communication solves everything. However, in reality, communication without the ability to empathize is flawed and does not achieve the desired objectives.

Catarina Nunda, Universidade Agostinho Neto

Docente da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais da Universidade Agostinho Neto


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How to Cite

José, E. G., & Nunda, C. (2025). Impacto da empatia na comunicação interpessoal. Academicus Magazine, 3(1), 95–110.